Room Two - $99 a night

2 guests • Studio • 1 bed • 1 bath

Air-conditioned suite with private entrance on the lower level of a family home. Including, a queen-sized bed and double sofa-bed, ensuite bathroom, refrigerator, microwave, coffee/tea facilities, and toaster. There is a shared barbeque for guest use. There are no shared spaces in the suite; suites are self-contained and include all amenities listed.

After booking, check-in instructions will be sent via the inbox of the Airbnb app. Please read the instructions carefully prior to your arrival.

  • Guest access

    • Parking - Free parking on premises. We can accommodate one parking space per room.

    • Self check-in

    • Keypad

    • Check yourself into the home with a door code

What this place offers:

  • Bathroom

    • Hair dryer

    • Shampoo

    • Hot water

  • Bedroom and laundry

    • Essentials - Towels, bed sheets, soap, and toilet paper

    • Hangers

    • Iron

  • Entertainment

    • TV

  • Heating and cooling

    • Air conditioning

    • Heating

  • Home safety

    • Smoke alarm

    • Carbon monoxide alarm

    • Fire extinguisher

    • First aid kit

  • Internet and office

    • Wifi

  • Kitchen and dining

    • Refrigerator

    • Microwave

    • Dishes and silverware - Bowls, chopsticks, plates, cups, etc.

    • Coffee maker

  • Location features

    • Private entrance

    • Separate street or building entrance

  • Outdoor

    • Patio or balcony - There is a roof-top deck with a beautiful view of the Bras d'Or Lake.

    • Backyard - An open space on the property usually covered in grass

  • Not included

    • Unavailable: Kitchen

    • Unavailable: Washer

House rules

You'll be staying in someone's home, so please treat it with care and respect.

  • Checking in and out

    • Check-in after 3:00 p.m.

    • Checkout before 10:00 a.m.

    • Self check-in with keypad

  • During your stay

    • 2 guests maximum

    • No pets

    • Quiet hours - 10:00 p.m.–7:00 a.m.

    • No parties or events

    • No smoking

  • Additional rules

    • Please no smoking cannabis on property (indoor or outdoor), the odor permeates our house and other guest suites.

    • Damages caused by people or pets are subject to damage fee.

    • Please read house rules and checkout instructions posted on wall upon arrival.

  • Other things to note

    • * Absolutely NO SMOKING. If anyone in the party wishes to smoke Marijuana, please do not book our suites. The smell permeates our personal living space and adjoining guest suites.

    • **Update: re Social Distancing and Sanitation
      Self check-in and checkout is provided to allow for social distancing. All surfaces are sanitized with hospital grade surface disinfectant on top of our regular cleaning protocols. All bed covers and linens are washed according to recommended guidelines. We are doing everything we can to reduce the risk of contagions but guests stay at their own risk. We encourage guests to carry hand sanitizer with them and to take precautions in public spaces.

    • Please read house rules before booking to ensure that our suites are a good match for your needs.

Visa, MasterCard and American Express are accepted.

Cancellation policy: Must cancel 24 hours prior to date of arrival.